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  • Howdy Jack,
    Art here, remember me? The dude in Applegate you got the old 242 turbo from?
    I was wonder if you might have a wheel center cap for my 88 244 GL. I could send you a text with a pic if you like. The wheels are 14'' mags, thin/narrow slots. Most folks don't like 'em, but it's what I've got and missing one center/I'd take two if you have 'em.
    Hola Jack, I'm hunting for a WUR for my B21fti; I guess I need a 123 altitude compensating one... The car currently has a 004, which I guess is incorrect. TIA for any help!
    Hi Jack - Ken (redwood chair) keeps chiming in that I should buy your 2.1T motor that you have sitting on the floor. I'm in MA, so would have to go commercial shipper. What do you have, what's the history - are you sure it's a good motor, and what do you want for it delivered to a freight carrier. Best to email me direct at mikezohsix@yahoo.com - thanks
    hi, redwoodchair mentioned that you might be able to help me with my 240 transmission mount. at leasst i think its that. have u evr done it? u in oroville? im in durham. know any cool volvo people here? i just moved here from long beach in socal. sooooooo different.
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